Some new ideas for learning how to read.
I don't know who needs it more, me as the teacher or my 1st grader!
I have to spice things up or I lose the discovery and the excitement in my voice that makes learning together so much more fun.
It's not just CANDYLAND - it's sight word CandyLand!
That's right folks, I have replaced all the cards (except the character cards, of course) in our game with word cards (see above) to help my emerging reader get more exposure.
I also had an idea using Pairs in Pears /Scrabble/ Bananagram tiles. Lay out letter tiles in a tall row- you need all the vowels and most of the consonants (except q,z,j,k) Sight word cards (what, why, how, be, me, see, go, have) are drawn, read out loud and the player spells out the letters in the word until you have landed on the last tile in your row. We use lego people to move along the row of tiles. When you land on the last letter in your row, you win that round. We move three tiles to the bottom of the row after each round.
If you play best of 5 rounds, it usually gets through about 40 cards.
This game has already been played many times at our homeschool.
I am also working on making this right now for some outdoor learning.
I am going to use cardboard and sticker letters. My girls are helping me with this one.
Happy back to school friends!