This is the winner. We have been following the My Father's World Curriculum for 4 years now with the excitement building each year and each of my students truly enjoying the materials. We know it works. This year, we are adding a new student to our classroom, a Pre-K student, so I know there will be challenges ahead and my time with the veterans of the class will be so precious- all the more reason to go with what is familiar and loved in a curriculum.
Having loved the Egyptians and the Greeks so much in C to G, we will continue on to the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the birth and life of Jesus as we study the New Testament, leading to the Middle Ages with knights and castles all the way to the Renaissance, the Reformation and Luther. I love a good list, it just seems to propel the work somehow. Checking the items off each day, knowing what is in store, having all the ducks in a row...........for a brief moment anyway! And this is that moment. Here's to a great year!
A list of the resources,materials, and extras that we are gearing up to tackle this school year:
5th Grade:
MFWorld Bible/History/Science/Composers
-Abeka Math 5
-IEW writing class (outside of home) on Medieval History
-First Language Lessons 4 with workbook
-Wordly Wise 3000 Book 5
-Sonlight readers G-( titles include Theras and His Town, The Roman Ransom, Mara- Daughter of the Nile,The Great and Terrible Quest, the Phantom Tollbooth, The Ides of April and Black Horses for the King) See here for all the titles.
-Abeka Windows to the World Reading Program Grade 5
-Art/Drawing classes at local studio
-Softball team
3rd Grade:
MFWorld Bible/History/Science
Abeka Math Book 3
First Language Lessons with Wkbk 3
Writing with Ease Level 3
Sonlight Readers Level 4-5 (click here for complete list)
Wordly Wise 3000 Book 3
Explode the Code Book 8 ( workbook and online)
Abeka Windows on the World Reading Grade 3
Art- Drawing at studio
Softball team
Soccer team
1st Grade
MFWorld Core
Abeka Math Book 1
Wordly Wise A
Explode the Code 2 workbook and online
First Language Lessons Book 1
Sonlight Readers Grade 2 - click here for titles ( we already own these!)
Art at Studio
Soccer team
and for the newest student:
Pre-K / K materials:
Lots of reading aloud from our bookshelves
Explode the Code - get ready for the code
BrainQuest K workbook
Math U See Primer with manipulatives
Art with his siblings at the Studio
soccer team
I am also considering Spanish through Rosetta Stone as we have used this in the past. Jury still out if the students and teacher want to add this or wait until the second half of the year.
Hi! I am stopping by from the MFW Blogroll and co-hosting the My Father's World Homeschool Highlights this school year with Kathi @ A Heart Like Water. This is where MFW families connect weekly, or as often as you like, to share what we are doing in our schools. The first one is Aug 25, the info is on my blog. I hope you join us!
ps I hope you have a great school year!